I dont understand this me time concept at all...and I hear about it all the time.Earlier women were busy looking after husband , children, inlaws extended families, guests..list was long, facilities were less and so was the affordability and they hardly got anytime on their own, then it would have made some sense, but the irony is that they never thought of it and never demanded. Whereas today when most of the women have nuclear family and there also they are not totally responsible for everything..everybody is pitching in, rest is being done by maids or restaurants:).
In our time for everything we made efforts, today..if you got up late..no problem..have your breakfast at the cafe outside.dont feel like cooking order something...nobody is bothered about calculating how much damage its doing to their finances or health..
When they are already leading a leisure life, why do they need me time?..I am talking about women who are not doing a job...
I always feel strongly that both the spouses bring something to the marriage, if man is solely responsible for providing finances, then woman should shoulder the complete responsibility of the house..but I dont see that around me...most of the young woman want the man to help, in spite of the man working 10 hrs at his work..and still they want some me time..they have got all the me time in the world in the day...
I know that it sounds regressing but my practical experience says that whenever the men in the house are particular about the way house should be kept, and food also, women become more efficient and skilled, and after some time their personality is changed, they become independent and good at managing everything, but wherever men are liberal initially, women become totally complacent and always ill at ease in everything.
I know that I am going to get lot of brickbats from the girls but still I feel that if we love someone, we must try to raise the bar for that person and make him/her a better person , instead of letting them go down.
We must not fall in love, but rise in love:)