First thing in the morning,before even brushing the teeth, drink 3-4 glasses of water, do this regularly and you will get rid of many problems like acidity, indigestion etc( I am doing it and feeling so good)
Life is not fair but good. My blog is an attempt to realise that goodness.We often rush through life, thinking that money, things or jockeying for position will really get us somewhere faster.We think that we will get to joy, fulfillment, and peace faster.That's really what we want.But since our seats are assigned in the journey of life, it really doesn't matter. Welcome to my Blog! I hope you enjoy it.comments are welcome
Saturday, December 29, 2007
For a glowing skin, every day take a tomato, cut it into halves, take one half and pour a few drops of glycerine over it and then rub this on your face, till it is finished. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash your face. Do it regularly, and you will get a glowing skin and will not need to use any make up even:).
Saturday, December 22, 2007
reality shows
I felt very disgusted with the results of Jhalak Dikhla ja, when everybody knew that Sandhya deserved it, some channel politics gave it to Prachi, I wonder how prachi felt after getting undeserved prize.In these shows smses are important for the revenue generation but they should be given importance in the beginning only, its unfair for the finalists to suffer like that.And secondly its not fair for the winner to take everything, there should be some amount for the second one also.may be the money can be divided like 60-40, because sometimes both are more or less equal.I just hope that somebody responsible realises this.
Its sickening the way TV chanels are covering the useless incidents and making them news.I felt like laughing when today I saw the running commentary,can you believe it, on the death of Teji Bacchan, and no details regarding the reason she is being given this special status, like her accomplishments or anything.Because there is none except that she was the motner of Amitabh bacchan and in the crowd of filmstars vising they even forgot her other son, he was not mentioned anywhere, rather Amar singh and Anil ambani were prominently showed all the time.The media is completely loosing its perspective,it wasnt enetertainment,so why show it all the time.I feel for news its better to watch DD atleast they give the news according the importance. If this continues for a long time, these channels will loose their TRPs as the public is also now fed up of watching Bachchans
Saturday, December 1, 2007
This is a movie after my heart, so romantic, soft and idealistic. Sooraj barjatya is one director who is constantly trying to revive and upheld indian traditions and values.Actually for being good or idealistic or one has to have some discipline, patience and trust in the values, because nothing comes easily and generally what comes easily is never of much importance.This is a story of Prem from an industrialist family and Poonam from a middleclass, cultured family.Through them we go across their journey from engagement to marriage and get some valuable,profound thoughts about life and marriage like- For being a good life partner,one doesnt need to be from a big city but one has to be considerate, caring, disciplined and of course educated. One thing I like about his heroines is they are simple not fools, modern in education not in clothes,traditional in their behaviour but efficient enough to look after the kitchen or office both if required, of course its very difficult to be like them, but if one decides one can be good, may be not so good, atleast we are getting some inspiration.And the positive aspect of his heroes are,their simplicity,good character,caring,respecting their elders and having faith in the family values and discipline and well educated.
The movie is so pristine in its viewing,it mesmerises you , I just loved it
The movie is so pristine in its viewing,it mesmerises you , I just loved it
Monday, November 26, 2007
Cheeni Kum is a movie about two adults finding happiness and compatibility very late in life.Neena is a 34 yr old girl who comes to London to her friend. She is unmarried as so far she didnt find anyone to her liking, and Buddha dev is a 64 yr old man, single, over confident in his profession and rigid in his attitude. The movie is all about how they meet, and Neena;s presence changes everything in Buddha;s life,his nature-he becomes kind & understanding,starts looking after his health and all that.It was inevitable that they fall in love over few meetings and now its the turn of age difference to become a villain in their love story. Though it takes the form of her father,of course they conquer everything in the end but the treatment is very fresh.And paresh Rawal, johra sehgal and sexy, all make this journey unforgettable, they are all superb, though the director has gone overboard sometimes with some scenes of Amitabh bacchan trying show his stamina and sexy also is quite a precocious child. but all in all a very enjoyble movie with a fresh perspective--that in life meeting of minds is very important and if u can manage the financial part also, then a quality life of 5 yrs is more important than 50 yrs of waste.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
left right left
This is a serial which is on air on SAB TV, its all abour army academy and its functioning in today;s world, what with corruption, politics and self interests taking over everything everywhere. But amidst all this there is always hope in the form of some cadets,a brigadier and a captain. I love the characters of Captain Abhimanyu, cadet Huda and gunny ustad. Its all very interesting, I just wish and hope that in real life also there are some people like them.
One thing I am always unable to understand how the TRP is counted, because practiacally I have rarely seen anybody praising Ekta kapoor;s serials but they always get the highest TRP.
In this serial treatment is very realistic, there are no girls wearing embroidered saris, full jwellery and make up in hospitals or Doctors in straight hairs, or palatial houses, nothing like that but still they all look good.
One thing I am always unable to understand how the TRP is counted, because practiacally I have rarely seen anybody praising Ekta kapoor;s serials but they always get the highest TRP.
In this serial treatment is very realistic, there are no girls wearing embroidered saris, full jwellery and make up in hospitals or Doctors in straight hairs, or palatial houses, nothing like that but still they all look good.
shahid & kareena
Initially when I heard of rumours of Shahid Kareena split, I thought of them just as rumours,they were too cute a couple to think otherwise. But now when its a reality and I think rationally then I realise that it was inevitable, as both are poles apart in their temperament. Whereas Shahid is a very simple ,vegan, shy,middleclass boy rooted in his ground, Kareena is a very arogant,bigmouth,nonvegetarian(though she became veg for that period) upperclass girl.And in bollywood where even marriages are always falling like nine pins, so a breakup is not very big thing.Hopefully Shahid will get a girl he deserves, while kareena is already with Saif.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Life me kabhi kabhi
This is a movie about 5 young friends on the threshold of their career looking for happiness, but the meaning of happiness is different for everybody.
Rajiv(Dino) wants to be successful businessman as for him success is everything in life. Ishita wants money. Monika ( NauheedCyrusi) is looking forward for name, fame and money as she wants to be a top bollywood heroine. Jai (Siddharth) wants power, as he feels with power one can do and get everything. Aftab moffusil with writing skills, he makes a bet with everyone that after 5 yrs they will meet at the same place and then see who has got his dreams and that one will get the bet money, Rs 50 deposited by each of them with him.
Now everybody wants to get to his aim, in the process forgetting all the ethics, and loosing whatever important they have in life. Rajiv becomes an industrialist defying his brother and his policy of not cultivating politicians, bribing, in the long run he is ruined and separated from his loving brother & sister-in-law.
Ishita manipulates a rich playboy, making him divorce his wife and marry her. She becomes rich, but hurts his wife and children, so she doesn't have kids and play boy is a playboy.
Monika is in love with Mohit, but postpones marriage and to become a top heroine sleeps with Rohit, big hero of bollywood, and in the process looses her life-Mohit who does the suicide.
Since Jai's father was made an scapegoat by some officers and politicians in a scam,he wants power and becomes a politician, for that he gives the heart attack(literally) to an opposition leader, thus becoming a psychiatrist's patient( due to his guilt).
Aftab is the only one who marries for love and gets a wife, daughter and a career.
It proves two things: firstly,they are all good people as they are not happy after compromising their principles. Two, Happiness is not some destination, its a journey, so all in all a good movie, with an equally good message.
Rajiv(Dino) wants to be successful businessman as for him success is everything in life. Ishita wants money. Monika ( NauheedCyrusi) is looking forward for name, fame and money as she wants to be a top bollywood heroine. Jai (Siddharth) wants power, as he feels with power one can do and get everything. Aftab moffusil with writing skills, he makes a bet with everyone that after 5 yrs they will meet at the same place and then see who has got his dreams and that one will get the bet money, Rs 50 deposited by each of them with him.
Now everybody wants to get to his aim, in the process forgetting all the ethics, and loosing whatever important they have in life. Rajiv becomes an industrialist defying his brother and his policy of not cultivating politicians, bribing, in the long run he is ruined and separated from his loving brother & sister-in-law.
Ishita manipulates a rich playboy, making him divorce his wife and marry her. She becomes rich, but hurts his wife and children, so she doesn't have kids and play boy is a playboy.
Monika is in love with Mohit, but postpones marriage and to become a top heroine sleeps with Rohit, big hero of bollywood, and in the process looses her life-Mohit who does the suicide.
Since Jai's father was made an scapegoat by some officers and politicians in a scam,he wants power and becomes a politician, for that he gives the heart attack(literally) to an opposition leader, thus becoming a psychiatrist's patient( due to his guilt).
Aftab is the only one who marries for love and gets a wife, daughter and a career.
It proves two things: firstly,they are all good people as they are not happy after compromising their principles. Two, Happiness is not some destination, its a journey, so all in all a good movie, with an equally good message.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I am very sad to see this controversy about ram sethu.What is happening to our country and its politicians?Higher they rise in posts,lower they fall in their characters.In a country with a Hindu majority,a doubt is being raised about the authenticity of the existence of Ram-our God.On one side it shows how far our politicians can go in their electoral considerations, on the other side it proves how much tolerance the majority community has. Could anybody raise the same doubts about Jesus or The prophet? Leave aside the doubt for existence, even minor comments about them create a furore,riots ,bans and fatwas.May be the tolerance comes from the trust or faith in our religion and its power and faith in ourselves that whatever anyone can say,our god and our trust in Him is immovable, but it saddens my heart to see our own countrymen not being sensitive to our feelings.Its only in India that a painter who hurts majorities sentiments by painting our goddesses in nude is being called an icon and honoured,not persecuted. Its good to be tolerant but its also necessary to protect our self respect, so that nobody takes you for granted.
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