SWARNA tagged me long back annd i am sorry swarna that i am doing it so late..what with my vacations and all that......and whenevr i find something complicated, procastrination takes over me:) I just hope that i am able to do it now, lets start..........
The rules are simple:
Answer the questions below and do a Google image search on your answer,pick a picture from the results on the first page, with minimal explanation
53.........I know u must be thinking of me ancient:) This is me.. still hungry for knowledge:)
2. A place you’d like to travel to:
Jwalaji..near Dharamsala....for a long time i have been wanting to visit all three--Chamunda,jwalaji, and Chitpoorni and then Vaisno mata:).
3. Your Favorite place:
Home.. at a hill station.....a small cottage ( a wishful dream for me:), i would love to live in natural surroundings, away from the hustle bustle with few possessions, near to nature and go
4. Your favorite food/drink:
I am confused....I dont know actually, i have always cooked what my family loved:), may be radish parantha with curd/ smoothie:)

5. Your Favorite pet:
Sorry to disappoint..i hate pets:) My daughter so much wanted to have one, but i cudnt live with that, i always feel that there are so many hungry kids in our country, if u want do it for them.:P
6. Your favorite color combination:
so many..earthy and maroon, blue and green, green and Violet:) so which one should I say:)
7. Your favorite piece of clothing:
Obviously sarees, but for comfort i wear salwar kameez, but for any special occasion, there is nothing more elegant than a saree and for me that too..cotton in summer and silk in winter, i dont like chiffons and georgettes.
8. Your all time favorite song:
yeh kahan aa gaye ham yunhi saath saath chalte---from Silsila..my all time favourite movie, I am hopelessly addicted to romantic movies..not those kiddy's ones:)
9. Your favorite TV show:
Many..Sarabhai vs Saraabhai, Ghar jamai, Full house...i love comedy or some sense in the serials
10. Full name of your significant other:
wives dont take the name of their husbands.....hehehe...I am a true and traditional Bhartiya naari:)

11.The town in which you live in:
Chennai? and i love the city and its people:)
12. Your screen name/nickname:
I never had a nick name even in my childhood..thats why my dad kept small names, and i cant ever respond to any other name, this is my real name:)

13. Your First job:
If by job u mean where I got money as payment then-----I worked as an office assistant for one month, otherwise i have a full time job where i get love and lifetime house clothes and holidays and jewellery as a payment::))

14. Your Dream job: working as a receptionist either in hospital ( wanted to be connected to medicine anyway) or in a five star hotel( want to meet many new people) ...funny na...how cud it be a dream job...but for me it was because i didnt want any physical work and because nobody let me do it:)

15. Bad Habit you have:
cant think any..hehehe......seriously i have this bad habit of nursing hurts...i am not a forgive and forget person, though i wish to be......
16. Your worst fear:
Being dependent on anybody be it emotionally, physically or financially:) sorry cant any image for it
17. The one thing you’ll like to do before you die:
Nothing , no desires left unfulfilled.........on an after thought once i would like to assemble all the people who have hurt me or made my life miserable and tell them what they did and what i think of them frankly:)..OMG what a sight it would be:)
18. The first thing you’ll buy if you get $1,000,000:
Here i follow Swarna, i would love to go on a world tour:)

hey:) i havebe done it, Quite a task it was !: tagging - CESS, AMRITA,COLOR ME SUNSHINE PIXIE AND MANASA AND HIP HOP GRAND MOM
The rules are simple:
Answer the questions below and do a Google image search on your answer,pick a picture from the results on the first page, with minimal explanation
- The age you will be in your next birthday:
53.........I know u must be thinking of me ancient:) This is me.. still hungry for knowledge:)

2. A place you’d like to travel to:
Jwalaji..near Dharamsala....for a long time i have been wanting to visit all three--Chamunda,jwalaji, and Chitpoorni and then Vaisno mata:).

3. Your Favorite place:
Home.. at a hill station.....a small cottage ( a wishful dream for me:), i would love to live in natural surroundings, away from the hustle bustle with few possessions, near to nature and go

4. Your favorite food/drink:
I am confused....I dont know actually, i have always cooked what my family loved:), may be radish parantha with curd/ smoothie:)

5. Your Favorite pet:
Sorry to disappoint..i hate pets:) My daughter so much wanted to have one, but i cudnt live with that, i always feel that there are so many hungry kids in our country, if u want do it for them.:P

6. Your favorite color combination:
so many..earthy and maroon, blue and green, green and Violet:) so which one should I say:)

7. Your favorite piece of clothing:
Obviously sarees, but for comfort i wear salwar kameez, but for any special occasion, there is nothing more elegant than a saree and for me that too..cotton in summer and silk in winter, i dont like chiffons and georgettes.

8. Your all time favorite song:
yeh kahan aa gaye ham yunhi saath saath chalte---from Silsila..my all time favourite movie, I am hopelessly addicted to romantic movies..not those kiddy's ones:)

9. Your favorite TV show:
Many..Sarabhai vs Saraabhai, Ghar jamai, Full house...i love comedy or some sense in the serials

10. Full name of your significant other:
wives dont take the name of their husbands.....hehehe...I am a true and traditional Bhartiya naari:)

11.The town in which you live in:
Chennai? and i love the city and its people:)

12. Your screen name/nickname:
I never had a nick name even in my childhood..thats why my dad kept small names, and i cant ever respond to any other name, this is my real name:)

13. Your First job:
If by job u mean where I got money as payment then-----I worked as an office assistant for one month, otherwise i have a full time job where i get love and lifetime house clothes and holidays and jewellery as a payment::))
14. Your Dream job: working as a receptionist either in hospital ( wanted to be connected to medicine anyway) or in a five star hotel( want to meet many new people) ...funny na...how cud it be a dream job...but for me it was because i didnt want any physical work and because nobody let me do it:)

15. Bad Habit you have:
cant think any..hehehe......seriously i have this bad habit of nursing hurts...i am not a forgive and forget person, though i wish to be......
16. Your worst fear:
Being dependent on anybody be it emotionally, physically or financially:) sorry cant any image for it
17. The one thing you’ll like to do before you die:
Nothing , no desires left unfulfilled.........on an after thought once i would like to assemble all the people who have hurt me or made my life miserable and tell them what they did and what i think of them frankly:)..OMG what a sight it would be:)

18. The first thing you’ll buy if you get $1,000,000:
Here i follow Swarna, i would love to go on a world tour:)

Man, this is one complicated tag!!! I like your dream job idea, I think you'd have been a pleasure to interact with as compared to most people who actually work as receptionists.
wow! wht a refreshing tag!
i liked it :)
woo hoo quite a tag
btb lady i tagged u toooooooooooo
tit for taaaaat!!
quite an awesome blog.. though was all curious to know the name of ur significant other ;)
and sad to hear u dont like pets :(
sniff sniff
will b completing this one sometime next weekie
Shalom: yeah it was quite difficult for a novice like me, but swarna egged me on:), I dont know whether it wud be pleasure for others, but i love meeting new people:)
SWATS: Thank u ! had i known that you will like it i wud have tagged U too:)
AMRITA: Thanks for tagging me ! actually I have 3-4 tags due and i will do them slowly..because i want to enjoy doing them, so nothing in a hurry:)
hi Renu, thank u for tagging me, though i don t really blog anymore, but it s cool one so i might do it when i ll be in France with my family, i ll have more time then :)
will do the tag.but why are numbers being repeated.is there something I don't understand?
oohhhhh..nice nice nice....will do this super duper soon....i love that sari...do u have one like that?
I can totally relate to 15. and 16. points. seems you snatched the words from my mouth...hehehe
Cess; Thanks for thinking about doing it:)
HIP GRAND MOM: sorry for that, I have corrected it now, actually i cant format the photos and depend on my daughter to do that, when she didi, may be she didnt notice that.
A: No, I dont have that, i think its like that famous Chennai silk's sari ( with ravi varma painting).
REBEL: I have snached one more word from u..tru blue bhartiya naari:):)
Thanks Renuji! :)
will take up the tag tomorrow - Saturday... it will give me time to put up all the pics I google!!!
Simple & Sweet replies.
claps !!!
It was fun reading your tag and you have a great blog here :)
Loved the Baush n Lomb pic. It reminds me of you :)
PIXIE: Welcome and thanks:), but why this Ji...looking at my age, oh please, in this vertual worls...age doesnt matter..thats the advantage of blogging...and pl do it ur own convenience, i am myself doing it after one month.
HOBO: Thanks HOBO !
Shalini: Thank U Shalini ! hope to see u here more often !
manasa: :) which way:) yes I use specs:)
Nicely done tag. Lovely pics and images. But how is the first one connected to the tag ..... Ok gaining more knowledge and diseminating it too. I am also tagged to do the same by merciless girl. And i am lagging behind now.
Thanks balvinder ! ASctually the rules say that uou will have to choose an image from the first search and this is the one I found some connection if not to my answer than to me:)
Very very interesting!
it was fun knowing u:)
that is one of my favorite movies too
Renu, you are too good! You take so much interest in whatever you are doing, I think.
I love the song 'yeh kahaan aagaye hum...' You can see their chemistry in their eyes - Amitabh and Rekha's!
Nidhie: Thanks !
ISH: Thanks:), its my eternal favourite:)
Sandhya: Thanks Sandhya :) I am a free person, so i can give my 100% to everything i do. actually i have 5 tags due, but i will do slowly ,so that I can enjoy everyone of them:)
And oh yes, AMitabh and rekha are the bollywood golden couple and they were always magic togetherbe it..narwarlal,Alaap, Do anjaane, Ramlakshman and many more., I always wish to see them atleast once again.
RENU!!!!!!!!! trust me i wear conatct lens and everytime i c the renu solution i think of u and am lol here seein tht pic for ur name :) seriously i love tht name its very sweet and lovely ... theres something nice and friendly bout it :)
sorry for the late reply i ve been really tied up with work and jus had time to chek my comments page... wanted to spend a lot of time readin all ur posts and am doin it rite now :D
SANSMERCI: Swarna U are always too good to me:) yeahhhhh;....I am nice and friendly:)
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