Reflections has graciously awarded me with this award BFF, I am very happy, i always considered her my friend, but now I know that she also considers me one.Lucky me:), This last week has been a real bonanza for me as I got three awards, and i am sorry friends i am late in posting them.Thanks nancy for commenting on Gulab Jamun tips:), otherwise i wudnt have got such a good friend like you. And here are the rules for the Blogging Friends Forever Award:
1. The winner may put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you received the award from
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your the nominees are:---
- Balvinder: you shouldnt be surprised, as you were the first visitor on my blog, so you are a very special friend.
- Piper : Your comments on my blog have always been very sweet and I felt an affection always.
- Cess:-people may think ours is a mutual admiration society, as u have given me an award also,but I was slow so u superceded me:),u r a very understanding person, and i really enjoy reading ur posts sp. that taxiiii........:)
- Deeplydip;--I love to see everyday ur stylogue, being myself very fond of coordinating dress and accesories, ur wrting on it satiates my desire.ur stylogue is a daily dose of glamour for me:), I just love it:)
- Jayshree;-- We are from the same city and u have helped me in finding a tailor, so we r friends :)

and here are the rules:
When you receive the prize you must write a post showing it,together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back
Choose a minimum of 7 blogs (or even more) that you find brilliant in their content or design
Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with ‘Brilliant Weblog'
Show a picture of those who awarded you and those you give the prize(optional).
And pass it on!
I have done this exercise before and since I am also new to blogging lets see what I have in store:), and most of the bloggers I read have already got it, I like two for their visul apeal,Vamsi parini and HOBO.
Now my third one ,( actually fourth one, the first i got from Hiphopgrandmom)

For million dollar friend award---
Cess has awarded me this, cess u r really a darling, u have made me precious worth a million dollar:) OMG, I must get myself insured now:)
Though cess, nancy are one of my best friends, but they have already given me,so they are not included here
- salil: when i read his first post, I knew i will read him regulary:)
- destination infinity: so thought provoking posts on some very important issues
- Swats & Rebel: both are very dear to me.
- smriti: she is very precious friend to me, she is my sounding board, my assistant, sometimes my boss also., in something a replica of me and sometimes a total contrast
- My space: i like her. period. actually we start liking anybody for multiple reasons, but the main is most of the time..we find certain similarities between us , may be a match of sensibilities, habits, thoughts, ethics whatever.
- Monika: She has a certain individuality which is very endearing, and one thing is special, she always agrees with me but PARTLY, I am waiting for the day she will agree with me completely:).
- Hiphopgrandmom; I always chk her blog for some new wisdom, nothing frivolous about her writings
. and please all my friends, I request you to come and collect ur awards from my blog:)
I like each and every reader of my blog and they are precious to me, but I dont know whether i can take the liberty of calling them my friends, so...........
dhanyavaad ;)
thank u so much for the award ;)
I feel so special now ;)
Congrats! U r really popular in the blogosphere!
cess: so u have picked up Hindi:).
SR: thanks:)
Renu, congrats on your award and thank you for passing it on to me.
thank u so much :) shal i agree with u partly on this too ;-)
THNX ;-)
Monika: u r welcome:). LOl:0 here u will have to agree completely:)
Swats: My pleasure:)
Jayshree: thanks! u r welcome:)
Wow, double degree. Thanks a lot Renu, i feel honored. And thanks again for calling me a special friend.
I will carry out the task as directed, but to tell you frankly i have not been able to creat links in my posts. i have tried many stunts. Can u guide me please.
Thankyou ! Thankyou ! Thankyou !
i consider u my closest friend on blogosphere rite now :) .. thats a reply to ur last line
yippee!! My comp was giving me some problems so did'nt get a chance to read your blog earlier. Thanks a lot for the award! Love it! And congrats on receiving one as well :)
u've been tagged!
Thank you mommy! You're the #1 mommy in the world! :)
thank you. I feel honoured :)
balvinder: i feel very shy in telling anybody anything, as I am also learning:). For the links I just highlight the nam and then click on the link sign in the post bar, I think its near T, then a window opens up asking u the blog address of that person,fill it and voila! its done.
Hobo: u r welcome :0 i have blogrolled u to see evry day some yummy photos:)
Sansmerci: Thank u so much Swarna, I feel touched, a friend like u is very precious to me.
Deeplydip: My pleasure !
Sansmerci: Thanks for tagging, i love the tags. I just hope u havent tagged me for the same thing that I am going to tag u. U see what happens I draft a post long in advance and then Smriti does the formatting a little, and she chks it also, becuase I dont ever want any of my words to hurt anybody because i am a little straitforward the my posts get a little delayed, only those posts which need formatting like awards or tagging:)
Smriti: Thank u guriaji:)
Piper: My pleasure! u r avery nice person.
Renu--mubarak ho!! itte saare awards! Shabaash...and thank you so much...m so much richer now..million dollar..hmmm rupee is now nearly 47 so then i am 47 multiplied by one million =...not good at maths...thanx ;-)
My space: I just love ur Hindi words, feels Hinglish is a lovely language, we are all richer now:).
I was so much into this empty nest syndrome, but now nothing interests me more than my blog and u people, my friends:), can I call u by ur name? this space brings a space between us:)
Hey renu...we are friends..pls call me Arti or whatever u want to...
Hi Renu, this is the first time that I have received an award.... forget award, this is the first link I have got for my blogspot website.... so it is very special for me.... thanks for the same.
Destination Infinity
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